Here is to present a set of SDTM and ADaM datasets from CDISC pilot projects as resources for R develpment and programming.
File and Directory Manipulation - SAS&R
In this article, we are going to present how to work with files and folders in R and SAS.
Bland-Altman Analysis
The Bland-Altman analysis is the most common method of assessing the agreement in method comparison in IVD CT or CE trials.
Non-Inferiority Test for Paired ROC Curves
This post is to talk about how to compare two paired areas under ROC curves(AUC) for diagnostic accuracy by non-inferiority test.
Merge and Transpose - SASlearner
Symbols count in article: 3.5k Reading time ≈ 3 mins.
If you often work with data manipulation, obviously you need to know how to merge and transpose data as that is very common in our data processing.
Select N Rows or K-th Elements from Macro Variable - SASlearner
Selecting N rows from a dataset or K-th element from a macro variable is a common data manipulation process. This post is listing the ways how to resolve these questions.
Handling Duplicates and Missing values - SASlearner
Handling the duplicates and missing values in data manipulation is a very common process. This post is taking a few examples to list how to accomplish it from a datasets in SAS.
Displaying Descriptive Statistics for Variables - SASlearner
This post is talking about how to display descriptive statistics for variables quickly. In the sense that we would like to know an usual and agile way to accomplish it in SAS.
Listing Column Names in SAS - SASlearner
Sometimes we would want to list column names of a SAS dataset, which can be useful in other programs, such as proc freq
, proc transpose
Output Log to Text file in SAS - SASlearner
Standing up a flag here, I'm planning to keep a series of notes to minute my questions met in sas learning. Practice is the best teacher, practice makes perfect!
R package development - as a beginner
Date Format (SAS & R)
Assume that you input
a character string 20211109
with a sas format like yymmdd8.
that specifies how sas must interpret the character string, you will get a numeric number 22593
Graphical displays of data (SAS & R)
This is reference to the "Chapter 8 A graphical compendium" in <SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (second edition)>.
I believe that the capability of data science is more than just building predictive models, data visualization is also an integral part, especially in a convincing way.
Statistical functions and procedures (SAS & R)
This is reference to the "Chapter 3 Statistical and mathematical functions", "Chapter 4 Programming and operating system interface" and "Chapter 5 Common statistical procedures" in <SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (second edition)>.
Dataset manipulation (SAS & R)
This is reference to the 2.3 section of Data management and 2.4 Date and time variables in <SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (second edition)>.
处理数据,常见的不外乎combination, collation, and subsetting
Derived variables and string manipulation (SAS & R)
This is reference to the 2.1 to 2.2 section of Data management in <SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (second edition)>.
Data input and output (SAS & R)
我一直想找一个合适的方法来记录SAS的学习笔记,最好能结合以往的编程经验(如R or Python);我想到了当初学习Python的时候是根据实际需要,结合R/Perl的既往经验来互补学习,那么SAS也是可以这样。
How to connect to Gitlab Repository
What is Git?
Git is a version control system used to track changes in computer files. Git's primary purpose is to manage any changes made in one or more projects over a given period of time. It helps coordinate work among members of a project team and tracks progress over time. Git also helps both programming professionals and non-technical users by monitoring their project files.
What is Gitlab?
GitLab is a web-based Git repository that provides free open and private repositories, issue-following capabilities, and wikis. It is a complete DevOps platform that enables professionals to perform all the tasks in a project—from project planning and source code management to monitoring and security. Furthermore, it allows teams to collaborate and build better software.
RStudio Shiny Publish - 中文编码
以下是我在shiny publish中遇到的问题以及解决方法,以供大家参考