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Assume that you input a character string 20211109 with a sas format like yymmdd8. that specifies how sas must interpret the character string, you will get a numeric number 22593.

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This is reference to the "Chapter 8 A graphical compendium" in <SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (second edition)>.

I believe that the capability of data science is more than just building predictive models, data visualization is also an integral part, especially in a convincing way.

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This is reference to the "Chapter 3 Statistical and mathematical functions", "Chapter 4 Programming and operating system interface" and "Chapter 5 Common statistical procedures" in <SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (second edition)>.

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This is reference to the 2.3 section of Data management and 2.4 Date and time variables in <SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics (second edition)>.


处理数据,常见的不外乎combination, collation, and subsetting

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我一直想找一个合适的方法来记录SAS的学习笔记,最好能结合以往的编程经验(如R or Python);我想到了当初学习Python的时候是根据实际需要,结合R/Perl的既往经验来互补学习,那么SAS也是可以这样。

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What is Git?

Git is a version control system used to track changes in computer files. Git's primary purpose is to manage any changes made in one or more projects over a given period of time. It helps coordinate work among members of a project team and tracks progress over time. Git also helps both programming professionals and non-technical users by monitoring their project files.

What is Gitlab?

GitLab is a web-based Git repository that provides free open and private repositories, issue-following capabilities, and wikis. It is a complete DevOps platform that enables professionals to perform all the tasks in a project—from project planning and source code management to monitoring and security. Furthermore, it allows teams to collaborate and build better software.

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