
Header and comment template in R script




Rstudio给了一个比较快捷的方式,如输入Ctrl + Shift + R,然后输入注释内容,即可产生一行注释header,结合Rstudio的Top level功能可随时定位到每条注释header位置

# This is the first comments header ---------------------------------------




> bannerCommenter::banner("This is the first comments header", centre = TRUE, bandChar = "-")

##              This is the first comments header              --

虽然这个comment是显示在console window中的,但是其实该comment已经保存在系统复制管道中了,只是在script中输入Ctrl+v黏贴即可呈现出来



  • Script name: I try to use descriptive names. Something like summarising_soil_hazards.R is almost always going to be better than an uniformative name like script1.R….
  • Purpose of the script: Just writing this down often helps clarify what exactly I am trying to do.
  • Author(s): I share many of my scripts with my students, colleagues and clients – it is good to know where the script originated if they have any questions, comments or wish to suggest improvements
  • Date Created: This date is automatically filled in with my template script. (Some people also like to include an updated field, but I tend to forget to fill this in and would rather get this data from version control)
  • Copyright statement / Usage Restrictions: For intellectual property (IP) reasons it is good to know where the copyright resides, and how you are happy for people to use your work. You may wish to use a formal type of licence.
  • Contact Information: It helps if people know who to contact, and how they can reach you the best. It’s not uncommon for me to include both my personal and work email accounts. I do this in case one of them ceases to be in service in the future for whatever reason.
  • Notes: This is a free-text space which I use to jot down any thoughts or more detailed notes about the script, or even work to do.

以上参考自:My easy R script header template



点击Rstudio的Tools -> Global Options -> Code -> Tab Editing -> Snippets -> "Edit Snippets" ,然后拉到最下面,输入下面的template(具体内容可个性化的修改):

snippet template_header
    ## ---------------------------
    ## Script name: 
    ## Purpose of script:
    ## Author: Dr. Timothy Farewell
    ## Date Created: `r paste(Sys.Date())`
    ## Copyright (c) Timothy Farewell, `r paste(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))`
    ## Email: hello@timfarewell.co.uk
    ## ---------------------------
    ## Notes:
    ## ---------------------------
    ## set working directory for Mac and PC
    setwd("~/Google Drive/")        # Tim's working directory (mac)
    setwd("C:/Users/tim/Google Drive/")     # Tim's working directory (PC)
    ## ---------------------------
    options(scipen = 6, digits = 4) # I prefer to view outputs in non-scientific notation
    memory.limit(30000000)      # this is needed on some PCs to increase memory allowance, but has no impact on macs.
    ## ---------------------------
    ## load up the packages we will need:  (uncomment as required)
    # source("functions/packages.R")       # loads up all the packages we need
    ## ---------------------------
    ## load up our functions into memory
    # source("functions/summarise_data.R") 
    ## ---------------------------




My easy R script header template
